I finished writing that last post…
And then Taylor Swift tweeted:
I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I'm sorry, Nicki. @NICKIMINAJ
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 23, 2015
Let’s take a closer look at the words:
I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I'm sorry, Nicki. @NICKIMINAJ
She first acknowledges that she made it about her. Then she calls out her list of "misses", starting with the fact that she missed the point. Which means that she didn't stop to think about what she could learn from what Nicki was trying to say. Only then does she use the word "misunderstood". And the difference here in the order is that by using "missed the point" before "misunderstood", she's directly referencing Nicki's point about inequality and privilege, rather than burying it under a claim of confusion and misunderstanding. Finishing off with "misspoke" and then "I'm sorry" is a direct, get to the point about how she had no right to add her voice here. And it isn't "sorry that you felt bad" or "sorry that you feel that way" but straight up:
I'm sorry.
As far as celebrity apologies go, and we've seen some real sh-tty ones, it's pretty good. Shouldn't have happened since she should have stayed in her lane in the first place but given that she f-cked up, this attempt at unf-cking the situation is decent.
If you hate her, you probably don't believe her. You probably don't think it's sincere. You probably think she was forced by her management. And that it's damage control. That's fair. But she still had to swallow her superiority. Isn't that part satisfying?
I'm a stubborn, sanctimonious, selfish, argumentative person. Apologising is pain. It hurts. And I'm not famous. Now you throw celebrity ego on top of that, the hurt increases exponentially, non? This burns. You know it burns. So enjoy it while you can.
Because before long, she's going to turn this around. She's going to tell you about this learning experience. About how she called up Beyoncé or Oprah or Chimamanda or FLOTUS and how they educated her. How she had the honour of being educated by them. Before long, the #Squad will be back. Get ready for it.