Let’s play Photo Assumption, shall we?

Little Sci went for ice cream with her dad the other day and spent the entire time trying to get away from him while he tried in vain to look like the doting-est father in the history of fatherhood…which is a totally baseless assumption, I guess, because it’s not unusual for 2 year olds to get a bit squirmy?

That’s what they tell me.

Did I mention I was the one stuck behind the screaming baby on our flight to Paris? Why is it that the baby hater always gets stuck behind the screaming baby? Ugh.

I digress.

Check out Tom Cruise in his old man cardigan, wearing a pair of trainers that better disguises his heels, spending the day with his daughter while his wife works on Broadway. Am told that ticket sales have been brisk – everyone wants to see Katie. Including many of you. Like Andrea who was in New York with her husband on Saturday and took the time to send in her thoughts with particular emphasis on Katie’s volume control issues. Thanks Andrea!

Last night Tom and Oprah were also in the audience, with Tom leaving at intermission.

The play itself was brilliant. The actors and actresses were fabulous. Katie... my poor dear Katie... was a different story - she shouted through the entire first act, and her body language came across as incredibly awkward. Next to John Lithgow and Dianne Wiest, she looked positively amateur. I was so disappointed. She did, however, look gorgeous.

We came to intermission and I thought, dear God, my love of Katie is going to be crushed. There is good news - intermission came to an end and the second act began. There are two moments in the second act where John and Dianne leave the theatre so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was completely swept up in the moment... you feel like the nosy neighbour who has come across these incredibly intense yet private moments and you can't help but watch.

In the third act Katie dramatically improves... the emotions she is able display, are amazing - though it seems strange that she plays pained, angry and depressed so well, but happy comes across as so unnatural (that was the first act... happy and unnatural). This act has revived my faith in her :) Interestingly enough, however, while Katie recovered beautifully in this act the true surprise is Patrick Wilson who plays Lithgow's son. Amazing. The dynamic between the two men in this scene is awe inspiring.

So, all in all, the play was fantastic - I would go again. I still love katie, but she needs a good friend to tell her that she is shouting in the first act and that happiness should not be strained.

Oh, on a funny note, the Play Bill for the play... yeah, it has Katie on the front, and Nicole Kidman for Chanel No.5 on the back... too funny.

Photos from Splashnewsonline.com