This is the cover of the new Us Weekly:

Justin Timberlake cheated on Jessica Biel with Olivia Munn.

Well no wonder JT dashed over the Glamour Reel Moments event on Monday night.

Let’s break this down:

On Monday night, Pippy was at the Hollywood Awards with the cast of The Social Network. At the same time, Shelfy Biel was celebrating her directorial debut at the Glamour Magazine Reel Moments party. Pip eventually made his way over to join her, posing for photos with a big smile on his face. He would have known about the Us Weekly story by then. Us Weekly contacted his people for a comment and they’re denying the story.

Of course they are.

But the magazine has specifics. JT hit on Olivia Munn in New York late September. He told her that things were through with Jessica. He pursued Munn with determination. And she gave it up to him. When she found out he was lying, she confronted him but he insisted that things had been dying down between him and Shelf for a long time. Munn knew she’d been played and she broke it off.


And there are more details too about how he tried to close with Mila Kunis and all the random extracurricular he’s been getting while his official girlfriend has been away shooting. Check the new issue of Us Weekly on stands now.

So what’s the next move Jessica Biel?

If I’m her publicist, I encourage a break-up ASAP. It’s perfect, the timing. It will generate sympathy – even from me! And you can turn that sympathy into so much goodwill, it just might get her more scripts. This is the time. To leave this boychild who wants an Oscar nomination so badly.

A cheating scandal during an awards season campaign?

Please. If she can pull this off, I’m a fan for life.