Poor Posh lost out to a ragged Jennifer Aniston for the December issue of Vogue. To date, Anna Wintour has yet to bless Mrs Beckham with her approval on the cover.
To soothe her sorrows, Victoria decided to head to the mall for some fun times with her youngest son Cruz. She totally dressed down for the occasion too. In a short green shift and sky high Loubs, not drawing attention to herself at all. Because it’s all about spending time with her boy.
When I wear skirts this length I’m always afraid of the ass flash. This might be because I actually have a fleshy ass to flash. Skinny bitches don’t have to worry ‘bout ass flash?
My favourite though is that at one point, Cruz wanted to be held by his mom. So, tottering on her booties, Posh picks him up and walks with him in her arms. All you flats-wearing mothers out there should be ashamed of yourselves that you’re not busting your backs and doing the same.
After the Grove it was on to Japanese food with David where he watched his wife nibble on seaweed slowly while listening to her bitch about not being on the cover of Vogue.
When will Anna give in? Will Anna ever give in? What would it take?
Photos from Wenn.com