Amanda Seyfried is in Berlin sporting the wet look. I am of the thoroughly correct and unassailable opinion that Zendaya is the only person who has ever actually pulled off the wet look. Everyone else just looks like they need a shower. (Go Fug Yourself)


King Charles has a handsome equerry, officially called Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Thompson, unofficially called Major Johnny, and of course, the internet took note. The internet ALWAYS notices hot people in the vicinity of famous people! Remember Kristen Stewart’s hot bodyguard? Anyway, Major Johnny is still a “senior equerry”—which sounds like something to do with horses, I KNOW it’s not, but it DOES—but will have a “more executive and less public-facing role”. This is not convincing me that King Charles doesn’t have a problem sharing the spotlight. (Celebitchy)


There’s a lady on Love Is Blind who said she looks like Megan Fox and everyone lost their damn minds. I kinda see it. (Popsugar)

It’s not like we don’t already know Netflix has a problem paying artists, but they didn’t obtain permission from or compensate the estate of poet Mary Oliver for using her work in Nyad. Come ON. (PopPoetry) (Thanks to Anna for sharing on The Squawk!) 

We have been talking recently about the quality of gossip amidst the social media era, and the difference between junket interviews and stuff like Hot Ones and Chicken Shop Date and the Buzzfeed animal interviews, which are all designed to go viral. Lainey makes excellent points that what an interviewer has to do in a junket is a different ballgame that requires special skills and talent unto itself, but also…


Austin Butler and Florence Pugh playing with kittens! Or rather, Austin very gently cradling one kitten while Flo plays with the others. Also, when Flo started “talking” to a kitten, my cat came running in from the other room. Pancake is generally not susceptible to various animal noises and doesn’t respond to other cats at all. I talk to her in a normal voice, and she’ll chat back, but Flo’s kitten talk put her on high alert for an intruder. (Buzzfeed)