The day after The Power of the Dog got shut out at the SAGs, Benedict Cumberbatch was back on the scene, receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He was there with his wife, Sophie Hunter, and their three kids. 


Here is something I appreciate about Cumberbatch: I did not know he has THREE kids. I am aware Cumber-children exist, generally, but he’s one of those high-profile celebrities who nonetheless manages to keep his family on the downlow. Hunter regularly accompanies him on red carpets, et cetera, but I just did not know they had racked up that many kids. 

As I said yesterday, coming off his SAG win, Will Smith has taken the momentum in the Best Actor race, and it sounds like Cumberbatch is prepared to spend the rest of awards season losing to him (maybe not at the BAFTAs, we’ll see). Of the upcoming Oscar night, he said, “Whatever happens on the night the whole raft of those nominations are so richly deserved and obviously I am thrilled that the four of us as a cast are nominated. We are going to be awesome on that dancefloor – it’s going to be great no matter what happens.” 


It’s just nice to be nominated! But it is, though. I maintain the most fun that can be had during awards season is as a nominee—invited everywhere—who knows they’re not winning—no pressure. Sure, winning is nice, but Cumberbatch has THREE small kids at home, he, and Sophie Hunter, are probably just glad for all the reasons to get out of the house for a bit.

You can watch the full ceremony here: