Well, it’s not like we didn’t have a clue. Just days after getting sh*t-canned from Bohemian Rhapsody, Bryan Singer has been sued for allegedly assaulting a seventeen-year-old boy in 2003. Wow that’s an ugly sentence. But we knew it would be. For those of us who have tracked Singer’s name over the years—and for those who have heard his name, among others, whispered in reference to parties and trips and promises—this is not surprising, and it’s as bad as we expected it to be. But will it stick? It’s never stuck before.
The last time Singer was sued was 2014. The case fell apart, and a lawyer eventually apologized to Singer, and the others named in the suit, for “participat[ing] in making what I now know to be untrue and proveably false allegations against you.” Interestingly, the same law firm, HermanLaw, that brought that 2014 suit against Singer prepared this case against him now. So already there’s an angle for a defense, that having missed once, now the firm is trying again with a new defendant. They’ll call it, ironically, harassment. They’ll paint Singer as the victim of repeated take-down attempts. But to make that work, they have to tell us why anyone would bother taking down a f*cking movie director. Maybe that leads to some of the bigger fish swimming in Singer’s pond.
LOL no. I have no hope anything comes of this. MAYBE Singer doesn’t skate this time, but it will end with Bryan Singer. He’s probably done, so publicly dismissed by a studio mid-production just days before the Hollywood Predator Advent Calendar spat him out. And, honestly, the fact that production on Bohemian Rhapsody was so rough is probably going to be a bigger ding with many in the industry than (yet another) sex abuse lawsuit. These people can rationalize anything (see also: Johnny Depp). That’s how this got so bad in the first place, decades of rationalizing and dismissing victims. Now that they’re being forced to listen, they’re working overtime to make sure that the ones sucked into bad press are cut off, but still no real changes have come for the industry itself. ICM’s 50/50 pledge is the closest thing we’ve got to systemic change. So there won’t be any names, and definitely none of the bigger ones, the ones that go beyond Hollywood. Because that’s the pattern we’ve been seeing for months now. Lots of bad apples falling off the tree, but the rotten trunk remains.