Auntie Juliaaaaaaa. Do you think Emma goes to Julia for relationship advice? What do you think Julia says? By the time Julia was Emma’s age (27), she had been engaged to Dylan McDermott, left Kiefer at the altar, took up with Jason Patrick (then, we can assume, dumped him) and married and divorced Lyle Lovett. Kids these days will never appreciate that level of drama.


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Did Blake Shelton frost his tips?!


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Diane von Fürstenberg and Barry Diller have a revolving door of celebrities on their yacht every summer. Right now, it’s Karlie Kloss and Harry Styles. We know the connection between these two: Taylor Swift. Lunching together is yet another sign that while Taylor and Karlie probably aren’t enemies, they definitely are not BFF. The argument for their friendship will be: “But maybe they had no choice and are just being polite guests?” or “Taylor is with Joe and doesn’t care about Harry!” And I would argue that this is part of a social calendar, not a casual run-in. It was planned well in advance. DVF, who is very tight with Karlie, would not put her in a situation that would make her uncomfortable. As for not caring about Harry, please. Like Madeline from Big Little Lies, Taylor tends to her grudges like pets. 


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Greece and Italy are two big celebrity vacation spots this years. But do you think celebrities in Greece have to dodge Lindsay Lohan?


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Rashida Jones is probably comforting Nicole because Bubbles is running around the party scaring people. Remember when Quincy told us Bubbles bit Rashida and we just continued on with our lives like nothing happened? Well I found a video of her talking about the incident on the Desus and Miro show. Bubbles was wearing overalls when he did it.


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Strongly suspect Halsey is setting a thirst trap here. 


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I have been trying to leave the Beckhams alone as they are on a summer break in LA. The entire family is there, and it doesn’t seem like David has been traveling a lot. They’ve been posting Instagram stories from the same spots, like at ice cream with the kids or the pool. David cut Harper’s hair. All good. But then Brooklyn posted a photo of his mom and dad, one he has used before. And it seems a little wistful, doesn’t it? Brooklyn is going through some changes and has reportedly dropped out of school, in part because he misses his family too much. Is that what this is? Or is it something else?


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Wise words.