Meg Ryan has “had enough” of John Mellencamp and the engagement is off. She was married to Dennis Quaid in the 90s, so can you imagine what ‘enough’ looks like for Meg Ryan? Or maybe because she’s 57, she’s over the bullsh-t and recognizes ‘enough’ much sooner


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Fashion trends often swing from one extreme to another: Tiny Jacquemus bags are why leather totes the size of tiny homes are now a thing. 


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If anyone still thinks movie stars don’t care about social media, consider this: three-time Oscar nominee Natalie Portman hashtags her meals #whatnateats. It’s not because she wants to be an influencer, but she does want to be influential. The status between her and a reality TV star may be different, but the tactics are the same.


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Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are everywhere so if you didn’t read their Vanity Fair cover story, I get it, because it feels like we know them (especially her) so well because of her Twitter feed. But the profile is interesting because of the larger story – their parents, her early career, their relationship to fame and activism.

It’s much more than “Chrissy Teigen claps back at the President,” which is typically the kind of coverage she gets.


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It’s the day before Halloween but do we really need to see more costumes? This wins. (Until Beyoncé decides to drop the family costume, which could be months from now.)


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Kirsten Dunst is great in On Becoming a God in Central Florida, but the show is weird (in a good way!) and not exactly binge-friendly. It’s one of the shows that gets better with a week between episodes – maybe that’s why the buzz on it has been muted? But I do think she will be up for a Golden Globe when the time comes (they love movie stars). She absolutely deserves an Emmy nod too, but it’s such a tough category now (in 2019, Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer, Viola Davis, Laura Linney, Emilia Clarke, Robin Wright and Mandy Moore were nominated). 


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