Dakota Johnson has spent a lot of time in Vancouver because most of the Fifty Shades movies were shot there. She’s back in Vancouver on a new film called Bad Times At The El Royale (with Jeff Bridges, Jon Hamm, and Chris Hemsworth) and she was photographed this week at Heirloom Juice Co with her boyfriend, Chris Martin.
Have you seen this photos yet?
The Daily Mail published them first yesterday. You can also check them out on this Instagram account.
This f-cking guy. He developed an allergy every time there’s a photographer around when he was married to Gwyneth Paltrow and when he was with Jennifer Lawrence. Now suddenly we’re right up close and personal while he and Dakota Johnson look into each other’s eyes over smoothies? Whoever was taking this photo was basically in a threesome with them, that’s how close this shot is.
In other Chris Martin news, have you heard that Diane Keaton didn’t know who he was? She was on Ellen this week and they talked about Ellen’s recent 60th birthday party:
She knows Dakota by her first name – it’s just “Dakota” – and she only figured out a couple of days later who Chris Martin was. And so she walked around that party with a crush on a mystery guy with a baseball cap on. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA.