This Christmas Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding are shooting Paul Feig’s Last Christmas, a romantic comedy which is scheduled for release next Christmas, possibly with the hopes of becoming the new Love Actually? Emma Thompson co-wrote the screenplay and she also has a part in the movie which is inspired by the song “Last Christmas”, or at least that’s where the title is coming from. That would be Wham! And George Michael.
F-ck I love that song so much. Because it’s not a happy happy sleigh bells Christmas song. “Last Christmas” is melancholy. So it’s Emma Thompson’s part in Love Actually, right? Come on. You can’t wait to see this movie. Especially since the soundtrack will also feature previously unreleased George Michael music.
Here are Emilia and Henry filming in London last night. Emilia’s character is called Kate (with all due respect to the Kates out there, can we call a moratorium on naming characters in rom-coms Kate? You know this, Kates! You’ve had your day!) who works as an elf in a Christmas store and f-cks things up. Look at her. She’s Bridget Jones. Then she meets Tom, Henry’s character, who seems “too good to be true” - and, well, he’s dressed PERFECTLY for it – and over the course of two hours, we watch as they try to make it, break it, and probably, hopefully?, make it again. Please. Obviously I’m in.
In other Henry news…
Crazy Rich Asians, SAG nomination for Best Ensemble. It’s a big honour. It may be the biggest honour so far of the season and it could improve CRA’s chances to be included in the list of Oscar Best Picture nominees although… still…that’s a longshot. Especially the way A Quiet Place is coming on. Not complaining though. There will be a table full of Asians at the Globes and the SAGs and the table will include Michelle Yeoh. Did I mention Michelle Yeoh is also in Last Christmas? This Christmas my work wish is to be assigned to cover Last Christmas next Christmas.