Well, this is probably not how anyone involved with Anyone But You wants things to go, but as the film is ramping up press, Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone took a shot at the new trailer to promote their own project, The Curse


It’s the way they don’t ever look at each other that kills me. I clocked that when I watched the Anyone But You trailer, that Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney never quite make eye contact, but at this point, there’s no use picking the scab of what (allegedly) happened during the filming of Anyone But You. But it is noticeable in the actual trailer that the chemistry between Glen and Sydney is not, despite previous Instagram evidence of it, firing on all cylinders. Choose your own adventure about why that is, but clearly Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone, both of whom are not only the stars of but also producers of The Curse and would have a say in doing something like making fun of another project’s trailer, decided it was fertile ground for a joke.

Also, even though Nathan Fielder is a (deliberately) one-note actor—something he and Emma Stone poked fun at when they stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last week—he and Emma have better chemistry in 15 seconds than Glen and Sydney have had in either of the Anyone But You trailers. I am actually deeply worried about that movie! It sounded so good on paper but the closer we get to it coming out the more I am getting disaster vibes! And now other actors are clowning on it as if they smell blood in the water! Ironically, all the hype built up during Anyone But You’s production is now more advantageous for an unrelated television show. Things are going great. 


At least Glen Powell is taking it in stride.

Glen Powell's tweet