Depending on where you are at any given moment of the internet during a live awards show, you can find whatever reaction you want. You want outrage? No prob. You want a celebration? Sure. What I discovered during the Golden Globes last night is that you can also find people who are shocked and appalled that Hugh Jackman did not win a Golden Globe for The Greatest Showman. Yes, these people exist. Sarah told me months ago that he didn’t have a chance but she clearly didn’t tell this guy… 

 … or Hugh’s face. 

Let’s talk about Hugh Jackman’s losing face. He is a showman. He’s known as one of the nicest, friendliest, smiley-est guys in Hollywood. The man is always on. So, he was either just so overcome by bewilderment of his loss that he lost control of his face and let his disappointment show or he was reacting to James Franco stiff-arming Tommy Wiseau out of the way during his speech. That’s more likely, right? Even if Hugh thought he was entitled to this award because he spent 7 years making his movie about a problematic dude (all the Hugh Was Snubbed stans are really hung up on the 7-year thing), I think he’d have it in him to smile, clap and keep up appearances. The dumbstruck look on his face is a reaction to something he couldn’t plan for, and that’s James Franco literally shoving a man away from a microphone on live TV. 

The face I have questions about is not Hugh’s. It’s his co-star Zac Efron’s. What is this mustache? Is it for a role? I just Googled it and it is for his upcoming role as Ted Bundy. That’s a relief because the only reasonable explanation for anyone to have that ‘stache is that they’re actively trying to look like a serial killer.