Director Park Chan-wook was one of the honourees this year at the LACMA Art and Film gala. You know him from Oldboy and The Handmaiden, the overwhelmingly acclaimed film that was snubbed by the Oscars in 2016. The Handmaiden walked so that Parasite could run. 


And Park Chan-wook is back this year with Decision to Leave, with some saying he could have a shot at a Best Director nomination. He’s already test-driving his speeches. During his acceptance at LACMA, Park said:

“I initially wanted to begin with the following words, ‘I do not know how to thank you for such an award that is beyond me.’ But I remembered advice from a friend that is familiar with both Korean and American culture. She told me that you should not be too humble in America … So I will take in that advice and say the following words instead, ‘I am not at all surprised for the award that I obviously deserve’”. 

Probably still a longshot, considering Steven Spielberg is in the race this year but it would be great to see the Academy give Park Chan-wook some love. 


Gucci has long been one of the sponsors of the LACMA Art and Film gala which is why so many celebrities in attendance wore Gucci, including the celebrities who are official and unofficial house ambassadors. Jodie Turner-Smith, for example, has been Team Gucci for a few years now and she looks great in a black and metallic chevron-print dress with sleeves. 

Olivia Wilde also often wears a lot of Gucci and she too was in sparkly chevron, although her red gloves didn’t quite have the same effect. Olivia and Gucci have another connection, of course: Harry Styles. With the exception of Jared Leto, few celebrities are as closely tied to Gucci as Harry although he wasn’t at the event since he’s down with the flu right now and had to cancel a few concert dates. Harry is likely recovering at the home that he shares with Olivia. I’m sure that’s going over really well with the haters. 


Back to LACMA though– it was co-chaired by Eva Chow and Leonardo DiCaprio…who did not show up. And he always shows up to this event. THR notes that it’s the first time in the eleven-year history of the gala that Leo didn’t come. Maybe he has the flu too? I mean, it would have to be something major for Leo to miss a party. For those of you wondering about Gigi, Leo was seen in LA a few days ago and Gigi was in New York this weekend.