Top Gun casting news: Jay Ellis, who played Lawrence on Insecure, has been cast in Top Gun: Maverick. Which is fine. Because nobody misses Lawrence. Why would we miss Lawrence when we get to snack on Daniel? Ed Harris has also been confirmed and my immediate thought about that was hey, who’s the new Jester? There’s a tiny, tiny resemblance between Ed and Michael Ironside, right? 

And then there’s Jon Hamm. Jon Hamm will be in the Top Gun sequel. Interesting career move. After carrying a series for seven seasons, he’s been doing a lot of supporting work the last couple of years, a lot of varied work, ranging from comedies to political thrillers to film noir, even though the conventional path would have been to go for leading movie man status, and there was, sort of, an attempt at that. But I’m not sure he really gav’er the way we’ve seen some others giv’er. And now, he’s joining Top Gun, led by Tom Cruise, obviously, and Val Kilmer will be back as Iceman and, well, we all know Mav needs a new BFF. Is Jon Hamm going to be Pete Mitchell’s new BFF? Is Jon Hamm going to start hanging out with Tom Cruise IRL? In what way, if any, will Tom influence Jon? This, hopefully, will be very, very good for gossip.

For now, though, Jon’s hanging out with his current friends – here he is last night at the Cardinals-Dodgers game with Jason Bateman. Jon, as we know, is from St Louis. Cardinals won. There was clearly some trash-talking going on:
