Lady Gaga has confirmed her acting follow-up to A Star Is Born for which she was Oscar-nominated last year. (Olivia Colman won for The Favourite.) Gaga will join the ensemble cast of Bullet Train, led by Brad Pitt. Remember all those rumours about Gaga and Bradley Cooper during ASIB? Even though she had a fiancé during most of that time? I wonder if there will be rumours about her with another Brad. (Dlisted)
For those of you in the United States and are about to head into Thanksgiving week, I’m sending you our best wishes for good health and happiness. Here in Canada, our Thanksgiving happened last month and then, like clockwork two weeks later, or COVID-19 cases jumped – to the point where many places in Canada are now in lockdown again or approaching it. Please be careful. And please listen to Rachel Maddow. If you’ve not seen this yet, this video is worth your time. (Pajiba)
Sarah Jessica Parker stepped out wearing a really great coat. The colours are so bright, the patterns is fun and fresh. So I wonder if the accessories pull focus from it? The mask, the shoes, even the back – everything is competing for attention here. I would have scaled back on at least the mask. A black mask would have made the coat pop even more. (Go Fug Yourself)
You might have heard: the British royal family is pissed at The Crown and its showrunner Peter Morgan and have been trying to suggest that much of season four isn’t true. There are certain scenes of course that are fictionalised, but is the overall narrative a lie? Doesn’t seem like they can quite call the overall narrative a lie because, well, it’s not like Princess Diana was embraced and supported by the Windsors; it’s not like they’re the most welcoming family in the whole world; it’s not like there wasn’t all kinds of family drama; and it’s not like they didn’t f-ck up how they handled it. (Cele|bitchy)
OK. It happened again. I took a quiz and it f-cking got me. I swear, when the quiz spat out the final answer, I moved back in my chair, genuinely surprised. This is a quiz that asks you to design several spaces in your dream home (from kitchen to the yard) and it will tell you what day of the week you were born on. I was born on a Wednesday. AND IT SPAT OUT WEDNESDAY! Does it work for you?! (Buzzfeed)