Leonardo DiCaprio was back on the beach in Malibu yesterday splashing around in the ocean. You know those famous Leo skipping photos? You know the infamous Leo strutting meme? If you live online, I’m sure you can picture it in your mind right now. But just in case, it’s always a good one


And Emily, our site manager, just reminded me of the immortal Leo water gun photo that also spawned a thousand memes. 

There are, obviously, many variations. But my point is, some of these shots of Leo at the beach yesterday remind me of those two memes. There’s a skippity-doo-dah vibe about him in a few of the recent images, non? 


In other Leo news, and the reason I’ve been looking for an excuse to post about him – I came across a tweet yesterday that upset me. To be clear, I am not upset at the person who tweeted it because they are ARMY and I’m only here to support BTS and their fans. I’m just saying I disagree with the thesis. I disagree with it so vehemently that I don’t even want to show it to you but we must discuss. So here it is. As Drake would say, I’m UPSET!

I must have missed it when the media compared Taehyung’s face to a young Leo because I would have objected. Leo only wishes. 

But this does illustrate my point about what I like to call “memory eyes”. We see, often, through our memories. And when that happen, when someone is fixed in our memories from a certain time, it’s almost like we see them that way forever. It’s especially strong with celebrities. Winona Ryder, for me, for example, will always be Reality Bites. For a lot of people out there, the Leo they “see” will always be Romeo + Juliet and/or Titanic. Which is fine. But the Leo I see, whether it’s from 2020 or 2000, will never be Taehyung, come ON. As if Leo ever had this flair.