I was going to write about Cole Sprouse yesterday because of these new pictures but then I ran out of time and it ended up working out because then Page Six reported that he and Lili Reinhart broke up and PEOPLE confirmed it and then E! News followed both of those outlets with sources telling them that while Lili and Cole are currently not together and haven’t been in lockdown together, there’s always a possibility that when they get back on set for Riverdale (whenever that might be), they could get back together.
Thing is, while restrictions have been lifting, there are still a lot of questions to be answered before television and film productions can begin again. Like… can they just go back to the way it was before? Think of how many people are on a film set. How much close contact happens between people. And craft services! And then on top of that, the business side of it, like insurance, etc. Oh and how the individual unions will respond in protecting their memberships. All the entertainment trades like THR and Variety have been discussing what changes might be implemented, how to implement those changes, how quickly they can be implemented – because if they just start rolling again like nothing happened, and an outbreak occurs, it’s a f-cking creative and financial mess.
So whoever’s talking about the possibility of them getting back together when filming resumes like it’ll be in a month… that’s very optimistic. I mean, yeah, it’s what everyone wants, but I’m not sure if that’s what everyone needs.
After three years though, and at their ages, this was inevitable. Especially when you consider that they’re both expanding their circles. Working on location on a show like Riverdale can feel like you’re in a bubble. When you leave that environment, and for them that means returning to the distractions of Los Angeles, it can feel like the widening of a lens. Cole’s been seen hanging out with Cara Delevingne, Margaret Qualley, and that crew. I’m not saying that that’s what came between them – young love can fade after all – but he has a social circle beyond Riverdale. And they’re all young and ambitious and doing that young Hollywood thing and, well, it’s not like we haven’t seen this play out before.
My initial interest in these photos of him is this lockdown look that he’s working with – the longer hair, the facial hair… it’s definitely a choice. The young Skeet Ulrich choice. You know who I could see him with at some point, like romantically? Maybe not today but perhaps eventually? Miley Cyrus. Come on. Disney Channel nostalgia. It would be a meltdown.
Attached - Cole Sprouse out in LA after a workout the other day.