You knew this was coming! 

OK fine, that might be presumptuous. So let me start over…

This is an Outfit of the Week that is probably one of the most “not for everyone” outfits of the week – and that’s why I love it. Of course I love it. The Fug Girls called it “shockingly bad”. I disagree. But still – go read their post on it by following that link and hitting them as hard as you can the next few days to show them your support. 

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with what Marion Cotillard is wearing here. First of all, that crocodile print, from head to toe, from turtleneck to floor, is amazing. I love it. It’s classic, it’s timeless, and I’m asking myself now why I don’t wear more Lacoste. The problem, of course, for some of you, probably most of you, is the sweater she’s wearing on top of it. I’m not mad at the sweater. I’m not mad that it looks like something you might do at home, when you’re cold, but you can’t change yet for whatever reason, and you just throw something, anything, on top of what you’re wearing, and it can come off easily as soon as you need it to. So now you’re like, exactly, Lainey – how is that an OUTFIT? 

But it is! Because the colours! Because the green in the sweater picks up the green in the dress. Because the red of shoes picks up the red in the sweater. Because the sweater stops at exactly the right length below the waist. Because if this were a combination of different materials, that you normally see together, you may not take as much issue with it. 

And THAT’s why I like it so much. We’ve gotten used to colour-clashing, why not try fabric-clashing? The point is, she’s trying something new, something fresh. She’s Marion Cotillard, she could have worn anything French with a cinched waist and flared hem, and people would be like…OMG, so chic. But ultimately, that has to get boring – so this is what she’s doing instead. I’m voting for that every time.