Rolling Stone published an interview with Michael Caine yesterday that hasn’t yet been widely covered, probably because social media isn’t all that interested in Michael Caine (and many people might not care for his political and social views) but there is an anecdote in there that might pick up some traction because it involves Beyoncé. Michael was asked about his experience working with her in Austin Powers in Goldmember. (I never realised that was the actual title of the movie. I always thought it was Austin Power: Goldmember until I looked it up to make sure that was right.) The movie came out in 2002. Which means they worked on it in 2001. Which is 18 YEARS AGO, almost 20 years ago – where did it go?!? Anyway, here’s what he shared:
“I knew she was a singer and had a group. I asked her one day, “What do you want to do with your life, Be-yons?” I always called her “Be-yons.” And she said, “I want to win the Academy Award for acting.” She was very good in the movie, a very competent actress, and I thought she could get somewhere with this. She’s gone far beyond my world. She’s so big now.”
Of course Beyoncé wants to win an Oscar for acting. They all want to win an Oscar for acting. You know what I’m thinking about though? The Hollywood Sliding Doors of Beyoncé and A Star is Born. It was originally supposed to be directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Beyoncé. And then she got pregnant and dropped out and they put it back into development and Bradley Cooper decided he wanted to direct and that he was old enough to play Jackson Maine and you know the rest.
Since it’s Thursday, here’s a throwback to 2011, when Beyoncé was still giving interviews and she talks about being in the movie:
The Blue Ivy Carter was born January 7, 2012 and we know now what B had to go through before Blue became a reality. If not for Blue, Beyoncé would have made the movie and she’d still be giving interviews. She may not have given us what she’s given us since. All credit to Blue.
Here’s Blue, with her mother, leaving an event yesterday. The Queen has kept a pretty low profile over the last month. Grammy weekend is coming up soon. Last year, Roc Nation hosted a pre-Grammy brunch that may have been one of the most well-attended events of the weekend. I wonder if that’s happening this year.