Thanks for staying with us through the night and today as we’ve rolled out our Golden Globes coverage! We LOVE our award show all-nighters. And we’re building towards the Oscars – and it’s looking like it’s going to be a year. An unpredictable year! Please keep sending us your thoughts on email and social. More Golden Globes gossip tomorrow and Duana and I are putting off sleep to record this week’s episode of Show Your Work tonight which will be posted on Wednesday and there will be Globes work analysis in the pod. For now, I’m leaving you with another Sandra Oh photo. Here she is in a badass tux jumpsuit and sneakers, toasting herself. That’s FOUR FOR FOUR on the night. Every outfit killed. 

This is what the Bohemian Rhapsody Oscar campaign has to guard against. They’re trying not to mention someone. They’ve been successful so far. But…he’s now mentioning himself. He wants in on the conversation. It’s a major liability. I would love to be in the strategy meetings where they discuss how to shut him down. (Dlisted) 

Have you seen the RBG documentary yet? Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s work obsession isn’t new information – it’s well known that she regularly works until 4am and sleeps maybe three hours and then makes it to court no problem. And she’s being it for years! YEARS. Still. Now. She’s in her 80s! Today is the first sick day she’s taking in 25 years of being Supreme Court Justice. And she’s had cancer three times. Do you feel lazy now? Because I feel like a useless slug. (Jezebel) 

This burger kiss between Julia Roberts and Danny Moder just reminded me of Good Will Hunting. I don’t think I’ve ever had a burger kiss in my life. Definitely not an In’n’Out burger kiss since there are none in Canada. Am I missing out? Is there something magical about a meaty mouth kiss? (Just Jared) 
Yeah, it wasn’t Julianne Moore’s best look last night. But… I didn’t hate it. You know she’s capable of spectacular. You know she can turn it on. When it’s time, you can depend on her for it. And then, at other times, I love that she experiments with shapes and silhouettes, that she’s not afraid of avant-garde. (Cele|bitchy) 

This was a great jacket on Darren Criss. He does give us good jackets, good printed jackets. I wonder though if this one is just a little bit long? (Go Fug Yourself) 

Olivia De Havilland had beef with Ryan Murphy. She took it to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately for her, the high court has denied her request. There are no more legal options now. She’s not the type to take a fight to social media but… can you imagine? (The Hollywood Reporter)