Yesterday when I posted about Jennifer Lopez’s pixie hairstyle on the cover of Allure, and that it’s not my favourite on her, I mentioned several other celebrities who can totally rock a pixie. Sharon Stone was not one of them, but she should have been. Here’s a This Hot Bitch Sharon Stone throwback and I love the outfit she’s wearing and it’s from 1998 but could still work today. (Go Fug Yourself)
Did you see that clip floating around social media of Tom Brady getting day drunk after the Super Bowl? I’m not in the business of complimenting Tom Brady and it’s not like he needs any more compliments, please, do not message me about being mean to Tom Brady – can we all agree that Tom Brady is doing JUST FINE?! But anyway, on the subject of Tom Brady being drunk, I do appreciate that he doesn’t seem like he’s an angry, aggressive drunk who fights. Drunk Tom Brady seems silly and giggly. That might be the best thing I’ve ever said about him. (Dlisted)
Earlier this week The Guardian had a story about how the Queen or her people lobbied the government in the 70s to be able to not disclose all of the monarchy’s assets. And British royals are not supposed to interfere in politics. The Guardian followed that up with a story about Prince Charles similarly using his influence to secure an advantage. Why aren’t the Sun and the Daily Mail screaming about this? (Cele|bitchy)
Forget Brad Pitt as Dr Anthony Fauci. Jimmy Smits is now the best Dr Fauci. Brad Pitt is the third best Fauci, after Kate McKinnon. (Pajiba)
It’s Valentine’s Day soon so love is a big topic right now. So I can’t wait to dig into this piece about the kind of love that will make you the happiest. Spoiler: not romance. (The Atlantic)