Dear Gossips,

Thanks again for your patience yesterday as we were experiencing outages. We are very sorry about the inconvenience. As you may have noticed, we have some fixes in place to protect us from going down again but there may still be some wonky sh-t happening while we continue to address the issue. And the issue is this: is being cyber attacked. We are OK. We have a good foundation and great people working hard and they’ve restored the site – which is why you’re here now, hi! And your browser is safe. But I’m telling you this because it’s been scary. These kinds of attacks can decimate websites, and this website is our business, we’ve built it over 16 years, from the early days of blogging, and we are so grateful that so many of you have been visiting over this time. 

For me, personally, this is also a platform to be shared. And I don’t just mean my own thoughts but it’s where you’ve been reading Duana and Sarah and Joanna and Maria and Hayley and Sasha and Prem and Kathleen and Melayna, all of their work. So the fact that all of that is under threat is painful for us, for me. 

That said, please know that we have a solid team of people coordinating with Jacek protecting the site. And so far we’ve been able to defend ourselves against the threats. We are fully operational, it’s business as usual, we’re trying our best to upload the posts that have been backlogged because of the attacks, and we will be getting new content up on the site as quickly as we can write it. All we ask, if we can ask anything, is for your continued support. If the site is glitchy for the next few days, please know how much we appreciate your patience but please also know WE ARE STILL HERE and WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. 

We can’t tell you how much it means to us, SO MUCH, that you come here for your gossip. We hope you keep coming back. I’m attaching a photo here of Celine Dion because she is the Queen of All Feelings – and I need her to show you all my feelings of gratitude and love today. I’m lunging! 

If you’re reading this but the site looks messed up or if anyone you know is having issues accessing the site, please turn on or ask them to turn on their JavaScript and allow cookies.  Part of the detection filter we are running to make sure you’re not an attacker involves a JavaScript and cookie check of your browser and if those are disabled, the site won’t load properly.  If you have any questions about our use of cookies please view our cookie policy footer of the site. Please also know that nothing that you see on a page puts your device at risk. The attack is about trying to overload our servers and not injecting things into a page, for instance, that might be harmful to your device.

Yours in gossip,
