Amanda Seyfried says that she and Thomas Sadoski’s relationship began when they were both available, both free to date other people and that there were no shady timelines even though she was with Justin Long and Thomas was married right before it was first reported that they were dating. It’s one thing, though, for her to characterise her situation with Justin as a “bad relationship” but… what do you think of her calling his previous marriage a “bad relationship”. Is that OK? Or is it offside? (Dlisted)
The cinematic artifact that once cupped Russell Crowe’s junk was not enough of a draw to sustain a business. So it will likely be returned to John Oliver. I don’t think he’ll ever be able to permanently get rid of it. Russell’s jockstrap will follow him around for life. (Pajiba)
As far as being sh-t on is concerned, I’d rather take it from a bird than a lot of other animals. If you carry around wipes, which I always do, one wipe will take care of it if a bird takes a dump on any part of your body. Hair, sure, is trickier, which is what happened to Nicole Richie but you can at least rinse off in any sink unlike, say, dog sh-t which requires a full-on decontamination chamber to get rid of that smell. (TMZ)
Tatiana Maslany has a new look and I’m super into it…including the hair. If you can still look cute with hair like this? You can basically look cute in anything. Except maybe not those boots. It’s not the colour that offends me, it’s the sock-ness of it. Can we please let go of this trend? (Go Fug Yourself)
Paula Abdul’s album, Forever Your Girl, is 30 years old this year. She’s going on tour to celebrate. Is it crazy that I kinda want to go? I know the words to every single song on that album. "Straight Up" is still a bop. And she gave us one of the most iconic music videos of all time. Do not pretend you did not get off on the "Rush Rush" video, liar. (Cele|bitchy)
All week I’ve been posting about the In My Feelings challenge. And how it should be over now because it’s being done on talk shows and the weather. Let this be the end then because Will Smith just made it so that no one should ever, ever, ever attempt it ever again. It’s the location AND the cinematography. He used a DRONE. Won and done. (Vulture)