Dear Gossips,   

Yesterday, to mark the one month countdown to the release, Netflix dropped the official trailer for Squid Game season two. As Sarah wrote back in September after an early preview was shared, “it looks as intense and as upsetting as ever!” 


There’s also a new poster, which made me laugh, because it’s giving Avengers, a little, even though, obviously, Squid Game is far from heroes and the good guys winning in the end. 


The other thing that made me laugh is the tagline: “Let The New Games Begin”, because Taylor Swift’s “Ready For It” popped in my mind, specifically the lyric “let the games begin, let the games begin”. And I imagined them running that song over Squid Game visuals and what a different energy that would be. 


Because, of course, “Ready For It” is supposed to be a pump-up song, in a much more positive way. In Squid Game, when you’re pumping yourself up, it’s in service of, you know, not f-cking getting shot or stabbed to death. Comforting! 

So, basically, perfect timing for Boxing Day, December 26 which is when it’s coming out. Three years ago when Squid Game was first introduced and became the most-watched ever show on Netflix, we were all still in pandemic mode and mood. That may have been a reason for its popularity. The big question with season two is, well, whether or not we have the same appetite. Not that the world is any more just or any kinder – it’s only getting less just, less kind – but in North America, especially since the election, I wonder if people might be… in the mood for a lighter kind of escape. Because the themes of Squid Game are too real, too close to home, for comfort. In many ways, Squid Game is more of a reflection of our current reality than it was in 2021. Is this what people will want to be bingeing right after Christmas? I can only speak for myself, and the answer is yes. Although my reason is more fangirly than anything else. 


That also relates to my one complaint about the new trailer: not enough Gong Yoo, goddammit! Where is our slapping recruiter?! 


Will you be watching this season of Squid Game? Let us know your thoughts at The Squawk. (App link here)

Yours in gossip, 
