There were two big events in India last week that attracted a number of western celebrities. First was the Dior show and the second was the opening of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Culture Centre in Mumbai on Saturday which is where Zendaya and Tom Holland showed up for their first official joint appearance of the year. They didn’t pose together on the carpet but they weren’t hiding that they were together either – it was pretty obvious that they made the trip as a couple. Here they are leaving the event like a royal couple.
Zendaya & Tom Holland leaving the NMACC Gala.
— Zendaya Updates (@Zendaya_Updated) April 1, 2023
And for many corners of the internet, they really do have celebrity royal status. Few famous couples are as popular as Zendaya and Tom. Their fans don’t fight about them and the non-fans are charmed by them, maybe not as invested, but there’s universal affection here. Let them be as protected as possible!
But Zendaya has another relationship that the culture cares a lot about: Law Roach. When he announced his retirement from celebrity styling a few weeks ago, the worry was that he would no longer be involved in the Look of Zendaya, which is why he was so quick to reassure people that he and Z remain close and that he would continue to have a say in her style. As you can see here. Because this look! Both of their looks!
His coat is exquisite. Her dress is exquisite. Their partnership is breathtaking…and it’s evolving. As Law says here in this post, now it’s her turn to make the adjustments on his fit.
But these weren’t the only looks that Law oversaw this weekend. Megan Thee Stallion was at the CMT Music Awards last night, styled by Luxury Law, and the internet decided to chime in all like, well I guess you’re not retired…
As you can expect from Law, though, he had an answer for this:
In other words, this was work he’d already completed back in January, originally for the Grammys. Since she didn’t end up going, they had it in the safe, ready to go. No story here then.
But… Priyanka Chopra was also at the cultural centre opening. And Law has not posted any shots of her which is notable considering the controversy that came up when she said that someone on her team told her she wasn’t sample size and Law, in his interview with The Cut, pushed back on any suggestions that he was the one at fault.
That said, it’s not Priyanka’s relationship with Law that’s the most gossipy here. Will elaborate in the next post.