Maybe it’s because we have our own house now, but I’ve never been as into House Porn as I am now. Also, I have no eye for interiors. It’s weird because when it comes to clothing, I know exactly what I want. When it comes to where I live and what that could look like…no idea.

Anyway, yesterday’s Mystery House Porn, allegedly, belongs to Keira Knightley. Most of you thought it might be Sienna Miller. Others guesses ranged from Kate Winslet to Emma Watson to Emma Thompson.

Today there’s no mystery. Today it’s George Clooney. Because he and his best friends Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford have allowed Architectural Digest to shoot their joint homes in Mexico. They built them side by side – two villas that pretty much function as one. And that’s where they hang out on holidays and when they’re not in Lake Como. They call the joint property Casamigos. I’ve attached 3 photos below: the courtyard on Clooney’s side, which is magnificent; his living room, boring; and his bedroom which seems…almost like a hotel. And I suppose that makes sense. He likes to party. He’s not spending a lot of time in there. As for where he gets down to his other business, you didn’t think he’d be conventional, like in a bed, did you? The bed is for sleeping, only. The rest? Well, everywhere else. And probably multiples too.

Click here to see more – thanks Menna!

Right now, George’s side of the plot is missing an official female companion. It used to be Stacy who doubled with G, Rande, and Cindy. Too bad it’ll never be Sandy.

Sandy and George were in New York together for the Gravity premiere last night once again making us hope for the impossible. Gravity opens this weekend and, so far, on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s rating at 97%. You know what else is opening this weekend? Justin Timberlake’s Runner, Runner. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHA.