Dear Gossips,

Received a few emails yesterday asking what I thought after seeing Taylor Swift on tour in Toronto on Friday night. I was waiting because last night I was at Madonna’s Rebel Heart and I wanted to see if I was ready to betray my generation, the original 80s which saw the rise of Madonna, for the homage to the 80s which is Taylor Swift.

I knew the words to every single Taylor song performed during 1989. It was a good show. I knew the words to only maybe 65% of the songs Madonna performed during Rebel Heart. It was a better show. And I’ve seen Madonna on tour several times over the last 25 years (holy sh-t). To me, the greatest tour of all time is Blonde Ambition. Rebel Heart, in my opinion, is second only to Blonde Ambition. Think then of 1989 as Taylor’s Who’s That Girl world tour. Who’s That Girl directly preceded Blonde Ambition. Taylor’s Blonde Ambition is still to come. That’s exciting.

For now though, it’s about Madonna’s return to tour form. And for some reason, I was feeling it, even before we got to the arena. I think it’s because of the preparation. I think it’s because I kicked off the night at the gayest Madonna pre-party in the city. Eleven of us held hands in a prayer circle around a Rebel Heart cake while Adamo Ruggiero, always and forever an actor, performed a monologue he wrote himself, obviously, in honour of M. (He was not sucking on a lozenge though. And if you don’t get that reference, you haven’t watched Truth Or Dare enough times.) I’ve attached a photo of his tribute next to my breakfast wrap below. It was an auspicious beginning. But I’m not ready yet to write the details because I’m going again, tonight. More on M tomorrow.

Yours in gossip,
