Last year it was announced that Blade Runner 2 is happening and Denis Villeneuve will be directing, with Harrison Ford set to return as Deckard, and now Ryan Gosling is in it, too. The film will shoot later this summer, and it was announced yesterday that it will be released on January 12, 2018.

January. For f*cking BLADE RUNNER. Is the script sh*t? As we recently saw with Deadpool—and The LEGO Movie before that—February can be fruitful for movies. But January is a graveyard for a reason—coming off the holidays where people spend so much money, January is typically a slow economic period in every sector. I’m not saying you can’t have a hit in January, but there are a lot of factors beyond “all the movies are bad” that makes January a dumping ground. It seems like an inauspicious choice of release date. Stick it in February and no one would blink now, thanks to Deadpool. But January? That’s going to raise eyebrows every time.
