If you watch Ellen Degeneres, you are well aware she and Jake Gyllenhaal have this thing. It’s the cutest. YouTube has a few clips of his appearances and the last time he visited her, he asked her to do a First Nations greeting call with him consisting of a series of oohs and ahhs delivered simultaneously while holding hands. Was hilarious.
Then last year he stalked her with too many voice messages wishing her happy birthday. This time, it’s karaoke. Here are a few screen caps of Jakey singing I Will Survive in tribute to Ellen’s 50th. Adorable, non? I love him.
Of course Ellen’s 50th could not have been complete without a little cheese from Celine. Kills me how this photo captures her essence. Amazing.
Unfortunately, the entire celebration ended up contaminated by Hollywood Ebola Paris Hilton who somehow infected her way onto the show. I will spare you the photos. Suffice to say, she was fellating the camera the entire time. What she does best.