Our favourite lifestyle idiot savant has added a new money-printing line to her empire (and it really is an empire), The Warm Up. It’s activewear – we talked about it back in August and it’s now launching at Macy’s.
Do you equate Jessica Simpson with fitness goals? Yes or no, it doesn’t matter in the least. Jessica, as we know, has used her body shape to make bank before (like the $4 million Weight Watchers deal. Jessica doesn’t shy away from the body talk, and why should she? Whether she’s selling diet plans or activewear, Jessica knows that her weight is part of the conversation: for Weight Watchers, she talked a lot about getting back to a healthy place; for The Warm Up, she talks about the importance of fitness with her children and going for long walks to stay in shape.
What Jessica has shown us time and time again is that she is a natural salesperson. She doesn’t talk a lot when she sells, she doesn’t tell us that she’s saving us from toxic mold or sub-par vitamin supplements. Her promo schedule is low-key; there’re no launch parties with the LA Mommy Mafia or garden parties in the Hamptons. Instead, it’s Instagram shots, maybe a few talk show appearances and in-store photo and autograph sessions with retailers. All of this is key to her relatable branding.
This isn’t to say she doesn’t work hard, because perhaps she does. But unlike Gwyneth and Jessica Alba, who thrive on being “the boss” and talking about how hard they boss, you get the impression that Jessica doesn’t even have an office. This isn’t an underestimation of her business savvy – judging by the longevity and expansion of her line over the years, there is no doubt she’s successful. She just doesn’t give a sh-t about being prestigious.
Jessica doesn’t act like she invented or even improved the products she’s selling. She’s creating these lines out of want, not need. And “want” is the crux of lifestyle. The Warm Up press release says, “It’s how women are dressing today.” And it is – wear your gym gear to get your nails done. Many of us do it. She’s not inventing the wheel, she’s just rolling it all the way to the bank.