This is happening again…

Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez. Right now, it’s blowing up on Twitter. Because last night they showed up together on Snapchat with some friends and Rich Wilkerson Jr, the pastor. And you know how this sh-t works. If they didn’t want you to know they were hanging out and coming to these conclusions, they wouldn’t have allowed themselves to be posted so that you would see them hanging out and come to these conclusions.

For the last several months, since he apologised and got roasted and publicly promised to dial down his douche, JB’s been on pretty good behaviour. And Selena’s drama scale hasn’t had much action either. During that time, they were APART. I mean, is that the key? Or have they figured out how to remove what was toxic?

I wouldn’t put money on that. But it’s summer. We’re due for an implosion/explosion. Possibly several.
