It’s been the hottest summer on record in Toronto, well, who the f-ck are we kidding here, AROUND THE GLOBE….but hey, this is a beauty post so I’m not gonna get too real on your asses. But I will say that the rising temperatures have put my pits to the test. 

I already sweat like a muther on a normal day, so once you add 40 degree weather into the mix, my armpits are crying down the inside of my arms. And I wish my sweat was the sweet scent of honeydew, but that ain’t the case. I’m pretty sure I reek. Now, I know I’ve recommended a couple of natural brands in the past, and I’m not backtracking because they are great, but I’ve gotta say Agent Nateur trumps them all. 

Not only does it pack your pits with nothing but the best, natural, non-toxic ingredients, but it’s seriously the O.G for B.O. I’ve been trialing it during this summer heat wave and I’m jaw to the floor amazed. It feels great on, no irritation whatsoever and by the end of the day you still smell wonderful. Like, cross my heart, give you my first born. It’s that goddamn good. 

Check out the brand’s site or if you’re in Canada hit up Kiss & Makeup.

(Note: Sasha Finds articles are NOT paid endorsements. Paid endorsements on are always clearly marked. These are straight up Sasha obsessions.)