I posted earlier in the week about this possible emerging trend: November sucks for Armie Hammer or Armie Hammer sucks in November. To refresh, he decided to sh-t on people – celebrities in particular – for posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee on social media. And when he was criticized on social media for it, he didn’t seem interested in backing down. Until… well… another celebrity came for him. 

It was Jeffrey Dean Morgan who has since deleted his tweet. This is what he wrote: 

"Looks like you found a way to use others ways of mourning and their memories to draw some attention to yourself. You sound like a real asshat."

Yesterday Armie posted an apology and thanked JFD for calling him out: 

Isn’t impulse control part of the reason he quit Twitter last year? As I wrote in my previous post about this, whether he had a point or not, it was a stupidly unnecessary move, especially now, when he’s promoting a movie, On the Basis of Sex, and probably would have been generating different headlines, better headlines, than a headline about him dumping on people who wanted to pay tribute to Stan Lee (or, in Armie’s mind, humblebrag about having met Stan Lee). This is not showing your work. And having to correct bad work is never as good as showing your work well in the first place. 

It is an interesting case study though. It’s an example of celebrities policing celebrities. Would it have mattered as much to Armie if it was just civilians on Twitter dragging him for acting the fool? Or was it the amplification of the situation by another famous person that compelled him to concede? They CARE about their public reputations. But they CARE even MORE about their reputations among themselves. Because, of course, Hollywood is high school. 

Celebrities social-policing celebrities is really great for gossip. This would be an excellent game show, like  Celebrity Court. The judge is a celebrity. The jury is a celebrity. The accused is a celebrity. And we get to watch them telling each other about themselves, telling each other when to shut the f-ck up or, maybe, occasionally, validating each other’s vanity and self-involvement. Armie Hammer would show up every November.