When you see those initials, who do you think of?
Beyoncé . Knowles. Carter.
This post is not about Beyoncé Knowles Carter or, actually, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter, but about Bella Kidman Cruise, daughter of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, who has launched a clothing line, BKC. Which I’m surprised Beyoncé hadn’t already trademarked.
Bella is selling t-shirts that showcase her artwork – check out the website here.
I texted Duana about this last night. Bella Kidman Cruise, BKC, is a lot catchier than BC, for Bella Cruise, which is how she’s known publicly. That said, we don’t know much publicly about Bella. She was married a couple of years ago but she stays pretty undercover and over the years there have been all kinds of rumours about whether or not Scientology prohibits her contact with her mother. There has also been all kinds of eyebrow raising about Nicole not mentioning or mentioning her children during her acceptance speeches at award shows.
Now Bella is involving Nicole as she expands her career as an artist. Her mother’s name is part of her business. Her mother’s name is part of her artistic identity. That answers the question once and for all, then, yes?
Both Nicole and Tom recently joined Instagram. Nicole joined on January 8, right after the Golden Globes. Tom joined last week. How long before they’re on Insta wearing their BCK tees? And who does it first?