Oscar nominee Andrew Garfield has been out and about this week, and now it’s Benedict Cumberbatch’s turn to remind everyone he is one of the frontrunners in the Best Actor race. Here is Barbecue Curlyfries at a screening of The Power of the Dog in London, along with Best Supporting Actor nominee Kodi Smit-McPhee, Best Cinematographer nominee Ari Wegner, producers Iain Canning and Tanya Seghatchian, both of whom are nominated for Best Picture. Bamberbudge Crinklesnatch is looking pretty good these days, but Kodi Smit-McPhee is bringing A-game steeze to even casual events and so he gets the gold star for this event.


My friend Meghan O’Keefe at Decider posited an interesting scenario to me last night and now I want all of you to think about it: What if Andrew Garfield is an upset winner in the Best Actor race this year, as Olivia Colman was the semi-surprise winner in 2019, beating Glenn Close. I say “semi-surprise” because Colman won the BAFTA, but Close had SAG on her side, plus “it’s her time” momentum, but Colman came in and took the Oscar from her and Lady Gaga in what was a competitive year for Best Actress. This year, Best Actor is more competitive than it’s been in a while, with Will Smith rocking the “it’s his time” momentum and Cumberbatch coming in as the “best performance in a while” pick. But Andrew Garfield, as Meghan pointed out, is VERY popular among his peers. There’s a lot of goodwill for Garfield, just like there was a lot of goodwill for Colman in 2019. I’m just saying. Meghan was right about Olivia Colman in 2019, so let’s ponder this possibility while everything goes to sh-t around us.