Incoming: Beyoncé covers the December 2020 issue of British Vogue in time to promote Ivy Park Drip 2. It’s actually three covers. In one of them she’s wearing a neon yellow piece from her collection. In another it’s a Mugler bodysuit. And there’s also a McQueen jacket. Articles about the fashion and how each designer has been honoured by the Queen wearing their creations are here and here. And while the actual Beyoncé feature isn’t online yet (November 6), editor-in-chief Edward Enninful reveals in his column that he interviewed her for the story which is… definitely newsworthy because, as we all know, Beyoncé doesn’t do interviews. Then again, she makes exceptions for people. And Edward has been deemed worthy of the exception.
So how much time did you all spend in the Ivy Park waiting room? I had six things in my cart. By the time I entered in my credit card, three of them were out of stock. But the good news is, I managed to get the mint green belt-bag! And a pair of sneakers for Kathleen. Kathleen, by the way, was all about the neon yellow and as she put it in our group chat, “She’s wearing the neon because I’m her favourite”.
Some people, like Sasha, are really freaked about the hologram that Kanye West gave Kim Kardashian for her 40th birthday. It reminds me of Star Wars and Force Ghosts. You have to be Force Sensitive to have Force Ghosts in your life. (Dlisted)
Did you hear about that list of over 200 celebrities that the Trump administration put together to see who they could recruit for their COVID-19 campaign? Maybe I’m just Halloween delirious (I have been wearing a wig for my costume for hours and I actually think my brain is losing function) but the list and the notes about each celebrity are hilarious. (Pajiba)
There is no premiere for The Witches, unfortunately, which means we don’t get to see Anne Hathaway styled by Law Roach on the red carpet. We’re still getting a fashion moment though – two, in fact. She posted a shot of herself in a red flouffy gown on Instagram and she was wearing the CUTEST sweater for her Zoom interviews. (Go Fug Yourself)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez covers the new issue of Vanity Fair and she is… a powerhouse. In all the ways a woman can be a powerhouse: she is assertive, she is vulnerable, she is intelligent, she is unsure about her future, she is frustrated, but she is motivated. And of course she is misunderstood – but she is not letting it stop her. (Cele|bitchy)
There is no way I’m ever going to resist a quiz that tells me how old I am based on my McDonald’s meal. First of all, as you know if you’ve been visiting this site over the years, I love an age quiz. And I also love McDonald’s. Apparently my ideal McDonald’s meal reveals that I am 25 years old. This is about right. (Buzzfeed)