Dear Gossips,

I’m writing this at 2am ET. Kathleen just got to my place and Duana is on her way – she texted to ask us if we wanted drive-thru, LOL. We are gathering, OBVIOUSLY, for #BeyoncéHomecoming, joining hundreds of thousands of others around the world (millions, probably?) who are watching it the moment Netflix flips the switch and releases the documentary. I’m wearing my BΔK varsity jacket. Kathleen walked in wearing the Beychella yellow hoodie. I’m predicting Duana will show up in uniform too. We didn’t plan this. It’s just… what’s expected in these moments. Are you rolling your eyes? It’s work, OK!? We are going straight into the Show Your Work podcast right after it’s over so that we can get the episode up as soon as possible. Because we are expecting that this is a documentary about WORK, the work of Beyoncé.

And already, before we even start, the rumours are starting. There’s been buzz that Homecoming will reveal an album drop tomorrow. Genius is apparently showing an album called “B7” in Beychella yellow. The Hive is freaking out:

So far, at the time of this writing, Beyoncé has yet to mention the documentary on Instagram or Twitter, which she rarely uses anyway. She posted the trailer to her website but most if not all the promotion has come from Netflix. As we know, everything where she’s concerned has been thought through, strategised, and timed. Clearly she didn’t think she needed to step in – or maybe she’s not stepping in to hype it for a reason. That’s part of her work too, although by the time you read this, the observation might not be relevant. Maybe we’ll have answers to questions we didn’t even know to ask by the time Homecoming ends. Here’s my favourite tweet though from the night so far and we haven’t even started yet:

Remember, the servers were not ready for Avengers: Endgame. I would know because it took me 8 hours to buy tickets! So now, with just a few minutes to go before we hit “play” (yes it took me almost an hour to write this because Duana’s been self-cropping her Beychella pink hoodie and making us watch), I have full confidence that our screening will be smooth, uninterrupted. HAPPY BEYONCÉ DAY! 

Yours in gossip,


PS – added right after we finished watching: NEW ALBUM OUT NOW!