Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams were out together last night for the opening of DundasWorld in LA. DundasWorld is Peter Dundas’s label. You may not know the name but you know his designs. Peter has been designing for Beyoncé for years. And for sure you remember the pieces.
Last year at the Grammys:
And, of course, you don’t need me to tell you where you’ve seen this one:
Beyoncé doesn’t just show up for anyone. Getting Beyoncé at your event is a pretty big deal. Especially since she’s pretty strategic about letting us see her. And we’ve just seen her two weekends in a row at Beychella.
Speaking of Beychella, Michelle was interviewed this week by the LA Times and she throws down some pretty great lines. Here’s what she said about the Beyoncé Homecoming Pyramid:
I said, "Where is this pyramid going, by the way? Are the twins gonna play on it one day? Is it gonna be their swing set?"
Very good questions. Where IS the pyramid going? Will it be housed in the Beyoncé Museum? It should be. The Pyramid area of the Beyoncé Museum will have wall-to-wall monitors playing both Beychella performances. And it will be dedicated to the HBCUs, perhaps with a corridor that celebrates the Divine Nine. And also an interactive studio area where every two hours, a dance instructor is available to teach you the dance moves –for an extra fee, obviously. I would pay.
Michelle also talked about what she first thought when Beyoncé presented her with the idea behind Beychella:
Initially I was like, "Bey, just go out there and have fun. People are gonna be so excited to see you." And then I walked into rehearsal for the first time and saw this big old pyramid and that it was gonna be filled to the brim with humans. I said, "What in the bejesus is this? I told you just to go have fun!" But she can never do anything that we would think is normal. And this is what's fun for her.
There it is. What’s fun for Beyoncé is what would make most of us get back into bed and sleep until it’s over. And the work isn’t over. Because On The Run II kicks off on June 6. So in 6 weeks, Beyoncé will unveil an entirely new performance set. Which has already been in production now for months. We know this because she and Jay were photographed in Jamaica a couple of months ago shooting footage for the concert. This means that she was working on Beychella while working on On The Run. You saw what it took to put Beychella together. And to think she was also preparing for ANOTHER TOUR AT THE SAME TIME…?
Click here to read Michelle’s full interview with the LA Times.