Yes. I am happy to celebrate Pat Benatar with the Fug Girls. I have “Love is a Battlefield” on several playlists but it’s been a minute since I’ve heard “We Belong”. And I’ve been thinking of her a lot the last few months because of Miley Cyrus. If you grew up in the 80s, it’s hard not to see some Pat in the current era of Miley. In fact, has Miley ever covered Benatar? If not, it should happen. (Go Fug Yourself)
This is a very important annual election and I think we should all participate: Who is Dlisted’s Hot Slut of 2020? At this point… can anyone beat Leslie Jordan? This is one vote that you don’t have to have anxiety about, and no one who loses is going to refuse to concede. (Dlisted)
It’s the second week of the year, which means it’s time to mention how Amber Ruffin was one of the best parts of last year, and there were very few of those, and that she’ll be one of the best parts of this year. She should have listed herself here, even though that would be self-serving but, coming from her, I wouldn’t mind. (Pajiba)
Was anyone wondering what Melania Trump was doing when insurrectionists attempted a coup last Wednesday? Apparently a photo shoot. Which…even if you don’t like the Vogue cover of Madam Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris I think we can all agree that it’s satisfying to know that she made Vogue and she hasn’t even taken office yet but Donald Trump’s wife never did – something that bites his ass, you know it does. (Cele|bitchy)
Oh my GOD. I’ve been cooking and baking so much the last ten months as a form of self-care and asking myself… do I need a stand mixer? They look impressive and often pretty but they’re also scarily complicated, at least to me, I’m a novice, and take up so much counter space, which I don’t have. And they’re expensive. Also, I love the entry-level hand mixer I have that I got as a wedding gift, Jesus, almost 20 years ago. It works great. It doesn’t intimidate me, so I’ve been loyal to it and now Eater is telling me that that’s OK, I don’t need a stand mixer, and I can finally stop thinking about this forever. (Eater)