So if you were wondering why Halsey 9/11 was trending on Twitter last night, my dumbass can unfortunately explain what happened. Pitchfork posted a review of Halsey’s new album Manic. It is a mixed review, not overly positive or negative, written by Rawiya Kameir (you can read it here). Halsey took issue with it and tweeted the following: “can the basement they run p*tchfork out of just collapse already.” (Styling is hers.) A few things here: the Pitchfork offices are at One World Trade. So, ya. She deleted it because obviously that wasn’t her intention, to call for the collapse of One World Trade. In a word: YIKES. But if we move on from that obvious gaffe, there’s more to this.

This is another instance of an artist not liking a review and punching down on a critic. Rawiya Kameir is an important voice (read this profile on her) who has been run off Twitter. There are not enough women of colour in these positions, and Halsey needs to look beyond herself to what she’s encouraged her fans to do. She deleted the tweet, but then posted about “click bait garbage.” Her fandom is now using that exact phrase to harass anyone who is defending Kameir or Pitchfork. It’s gross. (Also, as BuzzFeed’s Scaachi Khoul pointed out on Twitter, why did she bother using an asterisk in the word “pitchfork” in her initial tweet? This is something people do to make a word unsearchable on Twitter, but Halsey has 12.3 million followers so she wasn’t being slick.)


A week or so ago, Lainey wrote about possibility of a Friends reunion and wondered if Jennifer Aniston’s social media presence had something to do with the negotiation (read the full post here). I think it does – all of those hangout shots (the latest marks the anniversary of when they shot the final episode) are a glimpse into what could be. Courteney Cox is smartly playing the other angle: nostalgia, of which there is so much. This post will set off another round of headlines begging for a reunion.


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Not sure if you’ve read any of the gossip on Jesse Metcalfe, but the story is he was engaged and was photographed canoodling (we never say that anymore!) with other women. Pretty standard as far as cheating scandals go.

The real mystery is why Jesse Metcalfe was being followed by paps.


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Another day, another half dozen stories about Brooks Laich and Julianne Hough


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Catherine Zeta-Jones is not purposefully doing ASMR, that’s just her normal speaking voice.


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