As the negative Royal stories continue about everyone except Prince Andrew, the Daily Mail ran a story about Naomi Campbell’s “rum chums,” with the underlying point that she is undeserving of a philanthropic award from the British Fashion Council. Naomi runs with famous people and billionaires and sometimes those types are shady as hell, we know that. But they are trying to tie her into the current scandal with weak evidence: sitting next to Ghislaine Maxwell at a fashion show in 2002 and flying on Epstein’s jet twice (London to NYC, Paris to NYC). This is not her poking her head out of his townhouse, which was positioned by the Daily Mail as “poor dimwitted Prince Andrew, how did he not know?” Naomi’s response isn’t muted, she set up a Q&A on her own YouTube channel, in which she is interviewed by someone off-camera. She said she was never given a chance to respond and while she defends journalism, she feels this was personal. She also said that she’s met thousands of people over the years and constantly takes pictures at parties. (I don’t doubt that everyone wants a photo with Naomi, especially the slimy billionaires.) She ends the video with a missive: “The frightening conclusion here is that if the negative action of your neighbour, colleague, or even an associate can somehow make you guilty too, simply by association, then we indeed live in very worrying times. This affects us all. It’s wrong. It’s unfair. And it must be stopped.” I’m curious to see how, or if, this message is received. Or if Prince Andrew will borrow it, because that’s more than he’s ever said about the matter and he was the one with his arm around a girl who claims she was forced to have sex with him.


Celebrities are as susceptible to viral Internet hoaxes as your 78-year-old Uncle Marvin who still forwards chain emails. (Jeremy Renner, Taraji P. Henson, Judd Apatow, Debra Messing, Ms. Tina Knowles, Jaime King and Julia Roberts are just some who shared it. Many deleted after reading the comments.)


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I know it’s the angle and she does look amazing in the photo, but does anyone else find the leg distracting? It’s Vogue Australia, so it’s not like they wouldn’t have had other photo options. 


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Stacey from Australia should 100% make and sell this Ryan Reynolds dress on Etsy. 


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