Ever year, it seems like more and more people are coming to the realization that centering a meal around turkey (the driest, blandest meat) is a folly. But then there’s Oprah’s Thanksgiving feast. Look at those birds getting a delicious bath. She made four, but said one is going to a neighbour. This piqued my interest. Why is Oprah giving a turkey to her neighbour? How did this come about? You don’t just drop by with a turkey. Did the neighbours mention that they were short on oven space, so she offered to whip one up? That can’t be it, because anyone living near Oprah would have a sizable kitchen. Was the neighbour complaining that turkey is usually bland and dry, so Oprah offered to show them a different way? Maybe, but again, any neighbour of Oprah’s probably has their own in-house chef or caterer. The question remains – why did she give her neighbour a turkey? 


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I like that Miranda can admit her cookies are ugly. They are. But that doesn’t mean they don’t taste good. I find with baked goods, sometimes the really perfect-looking confections are great for the table (and Instagram) but end up being just meh in flavour.


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It’s interesting to see which celebrities spend the holidays together. Like Samantha Ronson, January Jones and Carole Radziwill. 


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And Amy Schumer and Questlove. 


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A few of the American Horror Story cast, with Ryan Murphy (and Holland Taylor!). 


The last I heard of Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger, they were unbroken. She’s dating JR Rotem. But what is the status of Chad and Avril’s divorce? Did it ever happen? 


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Mindy Kaling is getting custom stockings made and to that I say, good luck. I have embarked on this project and it is far more detailed and time-consuming than you can imagine. It’s not just choosing the style/font, but the monogramming can take a really long time (so ordering now for Christmas is cutting it close). It’s actually easier to find a custom embroidery shop and order in-person, like the olden days

Bumpwatch is ridiculous and unreliable. We all know that if and when Miley ever wants to announce a pregnancy, it will be with a happy face drawn on her stomach.