Frank Ocean is filming his super-secret film project in Mexico City and it’s been nearly nine years since his last album, Blonde. Could he also be working on music for the film? A double release would be a major event but this isn’t a prediction because that seems almost too easy. 


He is very mysterious and every public appearance is a big deal – who would have expected him to show up at UFC?


Rihanna wished Anti a happy anniversary and I saw the image before the music and for a split second I thought it was an announcement because it was really late and I didn’t have my glasses on. Yes I was clowned by Rihanna, not the first or last time. 


Is the music festival of 2025 going to be Hinterland? I am all up for Iowa taking over for Coachella, which has been the Ugg boot of music festivals for a while and the ticket sales are reflecting it’s waning cultural capital

Daily Mail (I know) says Jessica Simpson’s album is coming out in a few weeks. This could be some intel or it could be a shot in the dark as she has been working on it for a long time. I’d like to see her present at the Grammys and then drop an album that night. That might be a little hopeful as I don’t think she’s ever been nominated so I don’t know if they’d ask her to present. 


Last year she hit up the after party with her sister Ashley and brother-in-law Evan.


So the Billy Crystal/Meg Ryan commercial isn’t for Uber Eats, it’s for mayo. I get it but also I don’t really like the concept because what deli leaves mayo on the table like a bottle of ketchup? I’ve never seen that. And if you were at a restaurant and ordered a sandwich and needed mayo, wouldn’t that be part of the order? Like no one is squeezing mayo on a perfectly constructed sandwich, it’s an early step. Is this a thing? Are people using mayo like salt and pepper now? Also - mayo can’t sit out. Warm mayo is freaking me out. I am a Super Bowl commercial kill joy. 


Geoffrey Zackarian tells a great story about making lunch for Anna Wintour: a cappuccino, a rare burger and mashed potatoes (60% butter), finished in 15 minutes. This is the most aspirational thing I’ve ever heard about Anna Wintour. This woman has never touched a green juice, the last of her kind.