Now that Don’t Worry Darling is over (it is over…right?), Chris Pine can move on from spit and all that, which is what he is doing, chilling in Los Angeles after a yoga class. I must confess, I miss the shaggy wolfman look Pine was rocking earlier this year, but he is aging into his Jeff Bridges Era perfectly either way. Or is it his Robert Redford Era? He increasingly looks like the love child of Jeff Bridges and Robert Redford.
Anyway, Pine has shed Don’t Worry Darling almost like it never happened. The memes will last forever in the annals of the internet, but the drama and the box office and all that won’t stick to Pine at all. He wasn’t directly involved in any of it—except Phantom Spitgate—and he’s a supporting actor in the movie, so it’ll come off in the wash for him. Whatever happens with Dungeons & Dragons might not be so easy to shed, though, as he is one of the leads in that, and it has a nine-figure budget, which carries much higher expectations of success than a sub-$50 million movie. But D&D opens the same weekend as Creed III, and while they aren’t targeting exactly the same audience, they are both intended to be crowd pleasers with mass appeal. It’s a real pick your poison scenario—Chris Pine and Regé-Jean Page being fun and flirty in fantasy, or Michael B. Jordan and Jonathan Majors buffed up and boxing?