As far as I’m concerned, every day is a good day for a Julia Fox fashion show. Are her clothes provocative and polarizing? Of course. Is that the goal? Of course. Is she doing it for attention? Absolutely. Will she allow you to shame her for this? F-ck no. That will always be her superpower over her critics. As for my critics, if you think I’m shamelessly trying to kiss her ass so that one day I can interview her – you are 100% correct. (Go Fug Yourself)
New couple alert. Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr are “hanging out” and if we’re finding out about it now it means that Kris Jenner wants us to know. And talk about it. Although I’m not sure how much people care because I feel like, at least in my circles, people were way more excited about Halsey and Avan Jogia. As am I. They look SO GOOD together. (Cele|bitchy)
In news you don’t want to hear and I don’t either but it’s important – Jimmy Kimmel is reminding us that COVID is still a thing and while that doesn’t mean we should all go back into lockdown, it does mean for me and my family that we would lock ourselves down individually if we get it again. (Pajiba)
We are now classifying things, all things!, as either “kiki” or “bouba”. Like Marvel characters. As for me, myself, and I, I’m definitely kiki. And I married a bouba. (The Mary Sue)
Rupert Murdoch and his family are the real life Succession. With the news today that Rupert is stepping back and has picked his successor, this Vanity Fair piece from a few months ago is worth the read or re-read. Like Logan Roy, Rupert Murdoch pitted his children against each other. He pressured them and he sweettalked them and, unlike Logan, he’s around to make his decision. (Vanity Fair)