A hotly-anticipated trailer drops. You race to watch – and just as it fades up, a quick, silent prayer. 

I hope it’s good. 


The bigger and more beloved the projects, the bigger the stakes. So when it comes to the trailer for Daisy Jones & The Six – New York Times bestseller, a marquee project for Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine – there’s a lot riding on the trailer. And so: 


Yeah, it’s good. It does exactly what a trailer should: tells you the story and gets you excited, all in one go. And around now is when we disabuse ourselves of the notion that it was going to go any other way. When the project has bona fides like the ones above, of course it’s going to be great – and if they couldn’t cut a compelling trailer, they wouldn’t release the show, y’know? 


But beyond setting the landscape – the earth-toned 70s, the screaming fans, the chords – the trailer does a little more. 

First of all, it’s most heavy on Riley Keough as Daisy, which is kind of the point. If Daisy the character, the person, isn’t completely compelling, then the entire concept – the title of the show and eponymous novel – doesn’t work. If she isn’t special enough to be separated out, then what even is the point? 

What I like is that the trailer just accepts this as fact. She’s in almost every shot, but they aren’t glamour shots or hero takes of her killing a song while everyone looks on in thrall. It’s a given that you’re interested in Daisy, and we are presented with her as a fait accompli. 

Even more tellingly, though, the vast majority of the trailer focuses on the women in the show – Daisy and Karen and Camilla and Simone – whom Taylor Jenkins-Reid overtly told us were the cornerstones of this story. Another trailer about a band breakup in the 70s would almost certainly have had Men Behaving Badly: breaking guitars, doing drugs, punching each other. I’m sure that exists in the show, as it does in the book. But that’s not what this trailer is concerned with; that’s not why you’re coming to the table. 


As I said, if you care about this story at all, you’d be watching regardless of what this trailer told us – but the tone they’ve decided to take bodes quite well, I think. It’s always been a woman’s story, and that’s exactly what we’re getting when the show drops March 3. 

If you loved the song, “Regret Me”, it’s available – and they’re releasing the full Aurora album too. Last obligatory comment, lest I be accused of being asleep on the job … everyone looks super hot, too.