I posted earlier this week about Gemma Chan and Dominic Cooper on holiday with their friends of Formentera. To me, the Photo Assumption was pretty conclusive. Yesterday they were photographed packing up at their resort and loading the car, presumably ending the trip, or extending the trip to go somewhere else. Don’t see anyone else with them. So… 

It’s a thing, right? Gemma and Dominic are a thing? 

Your reaction to this a couple of days ago wasn’t so enthusiastic. Because, well, the gossip on Dominic hasn’t been great, mainly related to that situation between him and Ruth Negga and Amanda Seyfried and back to Ruth Negga from a couple of years ago. Like I said, this is not what I was wish-listing for her either…although I think I’ve just taken Tim Chung off of the potentials. Because why did I do this to myself? WHY?! Given how fickle I am, and how quickly my crushes die, I should not have watched this video, which I managed to avoid and hold myself back from and then yesterday I was like, come on, how bad can it be? 

It’s BAD. 


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This should never have happened, I don’t care if it was a joke. 

Anyway, Gemma and Dominic are even dressing the same now in their stripes. Which would mortify my friend Lorella who’s weird AF about people showing up somewhere in similar clothes. Gemma and Dominic probably have a photo of this in their phones that they shared privately with their friends, all cutesy and sh-t. Totally a thing.