Yesterday in Smutty Social Media Maria linked to Victoria Beckham’s Instagram video – she was trying out dresses and getting ready for the “anniversary”. Most of us assumed the “anniversary” was the wedding anniversary as she and David will celebrate their 19th anniversary on July 4th, next Wednesday. And if she was prepping for the anniversary, it means that’s there’s no need for any Beckham worry, right? Right?
Well she wasn’t dressing for THAT anniversary.
It was for the 25th anniversary of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. And her date was not her husband:
Was she trolling Maria? Was she trolling the Beckham worriers? Playing with your emotions? And why did Brooklyn have to step in? It’s not like David doesn’t enjoy a party. Where WAS David?
As mentioned in the open, he was definitely in London the day before at the Queen’s Young Leader’s Awards. But, of course, it’s World Cup right now. Brazil was playing around the time of this event. So… maybe he stayed home to watch the match on television which …I feel like not that many people would be mad at? I would have been OK with Jacek staying home. He would have been OK with me staying home. That said, the issue here is that David seems to have been “staying home” or “not home” a lot. Seems to. Maybe they’re spending so much time together and just not showing it on social media. Maybe David stayed home with Romeo, Cruz, and H7. Maybe when Victoria got home at the end of the night they had a night cap together followed by a bath. Or a bath and then a night cap.
What if they don’t show us any of their anniversary celebrations then? What will the worry be then?