There were people who were hoping/expecting to see Justin Bieber show up during Usher’s concert and now we’re getting information, allegedly, about why he didn’t show. I don’t know if it’s that much of a surprise. JB has said that he really struggled with the live spectacle of touring – and there’s no bigger stage than the halftime show. Interestingly enough, a week before the Super Bowl he did a show in Toronto at History, far from a stadium-sized venue, more of an intimate setting, and according to people who were there, he seemed to prefer that vibe. (Cele|bitchy)
This post about one of M Night Shyamalan’s scariest movies reminds me that I haven’t talked in a while about my two favourite M Night Shymalan movies: Signs and The Village. I LOVE Signs, even though Mel Gibson is in it, and Joaquin Phoenix is underrated hilarious in that film. The Village is also underrated for how romantic it is. The scene where Bryce Dallas Howard holds out her hand and Joaquin comes to grab it at the last minute is SO swoony! (The Mary Sue)
Cate Blanchett, one of the most stylish people in Hollywood, has been promoting sustainable fashion for a while and, once again, repurposed another Armani. It’s always Armani, right? The pieces she reimagines? (Go Fug Yourself)
The Oscar Nominees Luncheon was yesterday and the star of the day was Messi, the dog from Anatomy of a Fall. Everyone wanted to hang with him. PS his character’s name is “Snoop”. This is how the film is campaigning – and I get it, because Messi is a G. While I’m sure he’s been well looked after and he’s not struggling or anything, I’m just not sure it’s all that fair to him. Like I guarantee you he does not want to spend his f-cking day at the Oscar Nominees Luncheon. No dog wants to be there instead of at home, or at the park! (Pajiba)
Usher’s Super Bowl drip wardrobe was solid. But yes, the kicks were the standout and everyone wants a pair. (Uproxx)